What Volgograd residents are forbidden to do on June 18, Dorofeev Day

It is forbidden to take sharp and piercing objects on Dorofeev’s day.

Today, June 18, the Orthodox Church in the Volgograd region honors the memory of the Martyr Dorotheus of Tyre.

He accepted martyrdom for the Christian faith. In the folk calendar, June 18 is Dorotheus Day. It was believed that the shortest nights begin from this day. Dorotheus’ night was special. the dreams you have seen will definitely come true. They also used dreams to determine what was to come in the near future. Seeing children, a young man or a girl in a dream was considered a good sign – this meant recovery, wealth, good success and efforts. And if you saw old people in a dream, it means trouble for the house.

You can’t be idle around Dorofey, but you have to choose things that won’t cause trouble. For example, you cannot take knives, forks and other sharp and cutting objects, this will lead to loss of money, unnecessary expenses and unreasonable expenses. You can’t fix things on this day. the differences will only escalate. You can’t communicate with strangers, you can become a victim of scammers. It was forbidden to pull weeds on the site – financial disadvantage.

If the day was warm and sunny, a good grain harvest. If it is cloudy, expect long bad weather. If there are many spiders in the webs between the trees, it means good weather. If the grass smells fragrant, wait for rain.

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