What not to do in Lukyana Windmill, June 16

According to the folk calendar, June 16 is the feast of Luciano the Windmill, and believers honor the holy martyr Luciano the Belgian.

The festival was called “The Windmill” because they watched the wind and used it to determine future weather and crops. Lucian lived in Rome in the 1st century and was a pagan. But he met the apostle Peter and became a Christian, preached the Word of God in the West and received the position of bishop. At that time, the Roman governor ordered the capture and execution of anyone who refused to make sacrifices. Lucian was captured in Belgium and beheaded, but heavenly light poured over his body.

On this day, people watched the wind. The south wind was considered favorable, it predicts the rapid growth of wheat. The north-west will bring moisture and disease, the east will spread infection, the north-east is a harbinger of long rains, which are dangerous for crops. On this day, you can’t argue with your family and may start a serious failure.

There were special signs on this day. If fog passes over the water in the morning, it will be a hot day. Owls are calling, wait for bad weather. If you want to sleep, and chickens and sparrows bathe in dust, it means that it will rain soon.

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