Vasilis Psaltis. Alpha Bank together with the business world and society of Central Macedonia and Thessaly

The management team had a wide range of contacts with business representatives in Central Macedonia and Thessaly, as well as with the Bank’s network managers in both regions. Alfa Bank Headed by the Group CEO Vasilis Psaltis.

In particular, the Bank’s management visited Thessaloniki, Serre, Katerini and Larissa, areas where Alpha Bank serves more than 24,000 small and 1,500 small and medium-sized businesses, financing the local economy with more than 1.1 billion euros.

Within the framework of the tour, meetings were held with corporate clients who are active in such areas as production, industry, tourism and trade.

The CEO of Alpha Bank Group was accompanied by Yannis Emiris, Chief Wholesale Bank, Evangelos Patrinos, Chief Director of Wholesale Credit and Transaction Banking, Telemahos Georgakis, Chief Commercial Banking Services Director, Marina Verikokou, Commercial Banking Director, Anastasia Giana, Central Director of Wholesale Trade and Food Enterprises. : and Northern Greece Director Giorgos Rapanakis, Hospitality Director Michalis Spiropoulos, Digital Sales and Customer Experience Director Virginia Sokou, as well as other bank executives from Athens and Thessaloniki.

In meetings with businessmen of Central Macedonia and Thessaly, the CEO of the Group emphasized the importance of strengthening the extroversion of Greek business, which, he said, could significantly contribute to the development of the two regions, where almost 16% of production is produced. from the country’s GDP.

In addition, Mr. Psaltis analyzed the multiple benefits that the strategic partnership with UniCredit brings to both the Bank and its clients, which, he explained, opens up new perspectives for entrepreneurs operating in extroverted industries.

At the same time, the discussions specifically emphasized the need to accelerate investments in infrastructure projects, such as, among others, the modernization of the port of Thessaloniki, as well as the construction of the Central Trikala-Egnatia section. The Greek Motorway (E65), financed by the Bank, is expected to give a new lease of life to regional development, but also to the country’s interconnection with the rest of the world.

It should be noted that Alpha Bank, among others, participates in the financing of Autokinitodromos AE. For a section of the PATHE motorway with a total length of 264 km.

During his tour, Mr. Psaltis visited Alfa Bank branches in Serres and Katerini, where he spoke with Network executives about the Bank’s emphasis on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises.

“We are here to help our Clients realize their business plans,” the Group CEO pointed out in this regard, explaining that the Network Managers’ critical knowledge of local conditions and client needs combined with technical expertise; As well as the sectoral specialization of central services is the comparative advantage that makes Alpha Bank the entrepreneurial bank of Greece.

Alpha Bank support in Thessaly

The visit to the capital of Thessaly takes place at a time when the infrastructure restoration projects affected by the catastrophic floods are underway.

Alpha Bank actively participates in national efforts for a more sustainable future, both in the context of the Hellenic Banks Association’s €50 million aid for infrastructure projects in Thessaly, and through its various activities in the region.

In particular, within the framework of the “Together for Health” corporate responsibility program, Alpha Bank has strengthened 13 health and care structures in Thessaly with medical equipment, while weeks ago, on the occasion of the World Environment Day, 150 employees; The bank participated in a symbolic voluntary action, building 150 beehives, which were given to the Larissa Beekeeping Association, in an effort to restore the area’s beehives, which were almost completely destroyed by floods.

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