Taxes, inflation, rents. These are the most expensive cities in the world

Hong Kong, Singapore and Zurich once again top the list of most expensive cities for international workers, according to the latest report Mercer “. These cities, known for their huge housing and living costs, confirm their leading positions from last year.

Berlin ranks 31st among cities with the highest livability for expats

The most expensive city in Germany for so-called emigrants is Berlin, which ranks 31st. In contrast, Islamabad, Lagos and Abuja are ranked as the metropolises with the lowest cost of living.

Mercer emphasizes that inflation and exchange rate fluctuations have a particularly direct impact on the income and savings of foreign workers. Additional costs arise from increased spending on housing, utilities, local taxes, and education, especially in economically and geopolitically unstable regions.

Housing costs vary around the world

The cost of housing plays a crucial role and is subject to strong fluctuations around the world. In some cities, extreme increases in rental prices were recorded, for example, in Istanbul, by 301 percent. On the other hand, prices in Tel Aviv decreased by 22 percent, in Minsk by 10 percent. Housing costs rose more modestly in the most expensive cities, with the exception of Nassau in the Bahamas, which saw no change.

Although according to “Mercer” Berlin is the most expensive city in Germany, the cost of living in the capital ” An apartment anywhere “It is still a little higher than the European average. Individual earners should expect an average of around €2,000 per month. Rental prices vary greatly depending on factors such as location and furnishings, with average prices ranging from €700 for a single room to €1,500 for an apartment.

€7.21 per square meter in Berlin

Most Berliners pay rent. How ” bald “The city’s rent index is reported to serve as a guide for both tenants and landlords and currently sets the average local benchmark rent at €7.21 per square metre.

Despite what the Senate administration described as “moderate rent increases.” KDM: have been approved, the rents in Berlin are constantly rising, “taz” continued. The Left Party is therefore calling for stronger measures to protect tenants. “The more public housing, the more the rent price effect will be weakened for the whole of Berlin,” said Niklas Schenker, the Left’s spokesman for rents and housing. interview with “taz”. “The best defense for tenants is re-community and socialization.”

The rent index is considered complex and full of exceptions, which is also shown by the “taz” survey. Many tenancies do not fall within the scope of the tenancy index due to their age or certain conditions, such as furnishing or extensive renovations.

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