SFDR reform. new categories and sustainability index

The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs) released a joint opinion as part of the reform process Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 onstability information In financial services sector (SFDR).

Opinion, ESAs require a coherent framework for stable financeswhich takes into account both green transitionor from one greater consumer protectiontaking into account Lessons learned from the application of SFDR.

This way The ESAs propose to introduce two new sustainability categories one i: financial productstable“e”transition“, that financial market operators must be used to ensure maximum simplification and understanding one i: consumers.

It rules of procedure they must have purpose: e clear criteria to reduce the risks of greenwashing.

It ESA also advises in The European Commission to take into accountintroducing a sustainability indicator which ranks i financial product come on investment fundsis life insurance hey! retirement products.

Moreover, feedback addresses the following areas:

  • adequate information that goods which do not fall into either simplified categories they have to cut back the danger of greenwashing,
  • improving the definition of sustainable investment,
  • simplification of information presentation methods to: investors,
  • others technical adviceincluding those relating to products must be covered dal SFDR: and how improve information on adverse effects that investments on People and onenvironment.

Ill opinion falls inside comprehensive review context that regulatory framework in the field SFDR: -from someone The European Commissionwhich includes how SFDR setting that delegated regulation.

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