Residents of Volgograd will pay 1 million rubles for illegal waste

This is the amount of punishment for the revealed violations since the beginning of the year.

Since the beginning of this year, violators of environmental protection legislation in Volgograd region have been fined 1 million rubles.

This was reported by the journalists of “Gorodskie vesti”, referring to the regional committee of natural resources, forestry and environmental protection. Since the beginning of 2024, environmental inspectors have carried out 566 site inspections, violations were found both on land and from the air.

The district committee noted that as a result of the tours, 60 materials on offenses were compiled and presented to the law enforcement agencies.

For example, in the Gorodishchensky district, drones recorded a truck driver dumping hazardous waste in a green zone; the driver left building material after dismantling the damaged house in the wrong place.

Since 2019, drones have been used in the Volgograd region to suppress violations in the field of waste management. Since this year, this practice has been expanded to other areas of control activity: protection of water bodies, geological control, control of the regime of use of specially protected natural areas.

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