Lindner puts the traffic light divorce papers on the table in an ARD summer interview

“Silk wedding” is the name given to the celebration of four years of marriage, still young love It’s still hanging by a thread, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Despite its apparent fragility, silk is considered the strongest natural fiber. Those who have reached the silk wedding can hope for more.

It’s different in the coalition of traffic lights: there are accidents and crises at every corner. Negotiations recently lasted more than 80 hours to agree on a draft budget for 2025. However, there is still a hole of 17 billion euros. The fact that the logical connection between red, yellow and green no longer has a future has become clear FDP:-Boss Christian Lindner now in “summer interview” ARD: clear The direction of his words SPD: and the green is so sharp that the silk thread can now be considered cut.

A clear warning about coalition partners

Partnerships in political life break up, like many real marriages, over money. Because, unfortunately, it’s not around as much as it was in 2020, that is, before crown, before the war in Ukraine, before the energy crisis and before inflation. Therefore, we will have to work with a significantly smaller budget in the future. How should available capital be spent and how not? Lindner clearly warns against his coalition partners. “The SPD and the Greens will immediately raise taxes in Germany. Immediately. They don’t hesitate for a second.”

One thing is certain for the Minister of Finance and the leader of the FDP. there is no way to rebuild the expensive welfare state to stick to the debt brake. Because “we don’t have too little money, we have too much to spend.” According to Lindner, citizens’ money in particular has not lived up to expectations, so it needs further reform. Late and therefore rather expensive implementation.

The FDP is back on political Tinder

Unofficially filing divorce papers, Christian Lindner dons his FDP for the upcoming political Tinder. No partnership test should be used to interpret his statements about citizens’ money as gratitude to the Union. Demanding “more consequences for free riders” sounds extreme KDM:-General Carsten Linnemann’s latest request to completely eliminate government subsidies for those who don’t want to work.

At ARD, Lindner calls it a fundamental decision that German voters will face in the next federal election. Do they want higher taxes and more debt, or do they want red tape, ambitious structural changes and pro-growth economic policies? In simple terms, this means that on the one hand the SPD and the Greens are the drivers of spending, and on the other (along with the union parties and the FDP) the guarantors of Germany’s future. Linnemann couldn’t have put it better.

Christian Lindner does not (yet) want to comment on CDU leader Friedrich Merz’s potential as chancellor in the ARD interview, but the FDP does not want to sell itself so cheap. To do this, Lindner focuses on his personal goal. “I want to remain the finance minister.” Let’s see who wants to receive it in 2025.

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