From citizens’ money to civil servants.

“The landing zone has not yet been reached.” Minister of Finance Christian Lindner described the discussions of the 2025 budget in this way a few days ago. Today we know. The budget dispute has turned into a serious governmental crisis. More than 30 FDP: The MPs threaten to leave the coalition. And SPD- Now people are even talking about even higher social costs, instead of accepting the necessary reductions.

Frontline SPD woman Saskia Esken, who describes the austerity measures as a “historic mistake”, rejects the debt ban and calls for massive investment.

I ask myself a question. Have we learned nothing in the past few years?

Traffic lights are prioritizing the use of our tax dollars all wrong

As an entrepreneur, I am particularly concerned about two things. On the one hand, despite a debt of 2.4 trillion euros, some politicians are still focusing on spending rather than austerity.

On the other hand, the use of our tax dollars is completely mis-prioritized. although right now we need to discuss how and what we use this hard earned tax money for. From an entrepreneur’s perspective, let me suggest how our money can be used wisely to innovate Germany as a location.

My cross list is simple. Instead of spending millions on funding high-speed bike lanes and an eco-friendly bus system in Peru, we should invest in our domestic infrastructure first. Train cancellations, disruptions and broken, clogged highways cost our economy billions. Despite reformed working models, the impact on everyday working life is devastating.

Railway disaster in Germany. EM becomes a real shocker

Our infrastructure has suffered for years. We ourselves feel it every day. In professional and personal life. After the European Football Championship, it is no longer a secret in the international arena. Many tourists still associate efficiency, reliability and practicality with Germany, but “none of these clichés have come true so far during the European Championship,” headlined “New York Times.” A bitter shock of reality.

But instead of finally addressing these issues properly, we are, at best, discussing a new version of a €9 ticket or fuel discount. Loyal to the left-green slogan. subsidies, of course, happily.

However, so far I have seen little of the much-heralded German cycle, with well-coordinated connections, shorter journey times and greater rail capacity.

Let’s not forget what we’re talking about: tax money

But it’s not just infrastructure that we need to rethink our spending. Please don’t forget “who” creates the funds available to us. Where does all this tax money come from? From the most important anchor of our stability, the citizens who stand up every day and work for our country. Who together with their employers keep this country.

I believe it is time that we relieve and empower these very people. Above all, it means it must be worth working for. And that means that at the end of each month there should be more net than gross.

Investments in education are also necessary for the growing generation. We need to finally address the teacher shortage and ensure children are connected to digital work early. The important thing is realistic orientation. This includes introducing useful subjects that prepare students for working life. Inflation, tax returns, mutual funds and insurance can no longer be foreign words.

I also expect the state to return to a free market economy

At the same time, we need to meaningfully conduct the more labor debate initiated by Friedrich Merz. This is primarily aimed at part-time parents, primarily mothers. One thing is clear. improvement is only possible with a wider range of day care places and more flexibility on the part of employers.

StepStone research shows that 66 percent of part-time parents would work full-time if childcare was guaranteed. The state can help here through the correct use of tax money.

But we entrepreneurs also need to become more flexible. It cannot be that every 2nd person says that they did not receive support from the company after parental leave. A home office and flexible working hours are only possible for one in three people. This is no longer up to date.

I also expect that the state will return to a free, fair market economy. Excessive bureaucracy, XXL bureaucracy and ever-increasing influence on operational processes through symbolic but meaningless requirements and regulations are costing us billions.

Citizens’ money, civil servants and climate costs must be examined

It is clear to me. our tax dollars have been wasted for years and the debt clock is ticking. We can no longer afford bike lanes in South America, expensive PR campaigns by the federal government or showy buildings like the new chancellor.

These are relatively small items, but in my opinion, they should be put to the test as much as the really big ones;

Above all, what I expect from democratic, sustainable politics is a return to our most important assets: functioning infrastructure and an empowered, productive citizenry.

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