THE: Alfa Bank he was their absolute star Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2024, awards held under the auspices of the Ministry of Development, Ministry of Environment and Energy, SEB and SETE.
The 35-member judging panel, made up of academics, representatives of agencies, foundations and social partners, awarded the Bank the most awards in the organization’s history, winning 17 awards, including the top CSR Corporate honors. Brand of the Year’ and ‘ESG & SDGs’.
Alpha Bank’s key differences demonstrate that the principles of responsibility and sustainable development govern all areas of the Bank’s operations, from its operating model, products and people to how it approaches the communities in which it operates. In addition to the two highest awards, the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards committee awarded Alpha Bank with 9 gold and 6 silver awards.
In particular:
• On top of the awards, with five gold awards, found the financial literacy program “Economy” which was awarded in the categories “Business and NGO Cooperation”, “Quality Education”, “Gender Equality”, “Zero Poverty” and “Partnership for Goals”. Through IQonomy, the Bank, in partnership with ActionAid, Women on Top, SciCo and People Behind, aims to provide students with basic financial and environmental knowledge, empower women, and educate the over-55 population. years in the new environment of digital commerce.
IQonomy is in line with the National Strategy for Financial Literacy, aiming to contribute to improving the financial skills of the citizens of Greece, which according to the latest Eurobarometer study ranks only 23rd among the 27 EU countries.
• Gold award in the category “Volunteer Program” For Alpha Bank’s “MAZI” volunteer program.
• Gold award in the nomination “Responsible Product / Affinity Marketing / Cause Marketing” myAlpha for the Vibe app, a digital wallet that has caught on with parents and teenagers.
• Gold award in the nomination “CSR Apps” For cooperation with the DoGood People mobile application. Alpha Bank promotes a sustainable culture among its employees in partnership with DoGood People.
• Gold award in the nomination “Less Inequalities” For the “Culture for All” project, through which the country’s leading cultural organizations, such as the National Theatre, the National Opera and the Thessaloniki Film Festival, support the accessibility of cultural events for people with disabilities.
In addition, the bank was awarded.
• Two silver awards in categories”Short-term investment (local/regional or national scope)”. and: “Emergency response”. for the immediate response, but also for the tree planting and aesthetic restoration project in Rhodes after last summer’s devastating fires.
• Silver award in the nomination “Less Inequalities” For the Jubilee Exhibition of the Alpha Bank Numismatic Collection “The Other Side of the Coin”, the first exhibition to be universally accessible to persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.
• Silver Award in the “Diversity, Inclusion, Equal Opportunities” category for a volunteer action for job shadowing with the MARGARITA Special Education Workshop. With this campaign, Alpha Bank promotes equal access to work for people with mental disabilities, as well as the creation of an inclusive work environment.
• Silver Award in the “Supply Chain” category For best practices adopted by Central Procurement Management and Outsourcing Directorate.
• Silver Award in the Good Health and Wellbeing category For the first aid training campaign in the school community of Lamia, which was carried out in cooperation with the Civil Society Humanitarian Organization “KIDS SAVE LIVES – Children Save Lives”