Istat. urban fragility index updated. New dashboard and wide range of searchable data

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L’State: updatedUrban Fragility Index (If c:) and produced a new interactive visualization tool for the entire database. In particular, the new one panel allows access to composite urban fragility index data as well as monitoring measures Pnrr:welfare indicators and a series of censuses conducted by the Institute of Statistics over the years. Data navigation through … Read more

Istat. new homes +4.3% in Q1 2024. The highest level in the last 7 quarters

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For the first quarter of 2024State: estimates a cyclical increase in both the number of houses (+4.3%) and usable residential area (+3.9%), without seasonal factors. Meanwhile, non-residential construction registered a significant decline compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, amounting to 8.5 percent. “The first quarter of 2024 sees significant economic growth for the residential … Read more

Residence in the mountains 2024, call from the Tuscany region

montagna in Toscana

It The region of Tuscany has established a tender addressed to individuals For the purchase of real estate for residence and habitual residence in the mountainous municipalities of Tuscany with less than 5,000 inhabitants. This statement, called “Mountain Residency 2024″. Its purpose is resettlement and socio-economic re-equipment of mountain areas, fight against marginalization and abandonment … Read more

The 8 most beautiful castles in Abruzzo

Castello di Bominaco

It is known for its extraordinary beauty of unspoiled natureAbruzzo is a country rich in history and culturea, as shown by the many castles that dot its landscape. These castles, which can still be visited today, tell the story of centuries-old military strategies, offering visitors unforgettable views from which to admire the surrounding landscape. So … Read more

How much does it cost to keep the fan on all night?

Quanto costa tenere un ventilatore acceso per tutta la notte?

Summer is approaching, and thermometers are starting to record the first temperature record. As the days get warmer and temperatures rise, so does the heat race for cover. If during the day a little freshness in the shade is enough, then the night causes the greatest discomfort. In the absence of an air conditioning system, … Read more

It is the most populous city in Piedmont idealista/news

Among the main regions of Northern Italy, there is certainly Piedmont; its population is more than that 4,250,000 million people and its area exceeds 25,000 square kilometers. Among its main cities, according to the number of inhabitants, is obviously Turin, followed by Novara, Asti, Alessandria and Cuneo. But What is the most populated city in … Read more

what to see and how much it costs to live there


Ill Flaminio district in Rome locatedthe northern area between Ponte Milvio and Piazza del Popolo II urban planning zone of the municipality 2C. It is a quiet residential area full of attractions and services for citizens. In recent years it has had an important growth in terms of value and authority also due to constructionAudience:that … Read more