Italian stock exchange. it’s dividend day. Here are the big names paying coupons today

Borsa Italiana: è il dividend day. Ecco le big che staccano oggi la cedola

Important day is Monday June 24, 2024 Italian stock exchange With the withdrawal of seven of the companies with the highest capitalization in Piazza Afari, after the huge detachment of last May 20. Among the most profitable coupons is: HeraThe Emilia-Romagna multi-unit utility is off at €0.14, corresponding to a yield of 4.25%. The yield … Read more

JP Morgan lifts bonus cap for London bankers

JP Morgan rimuove il tetto ai bonus per i banchieri londinesi

Wall Street’s largest investment bank Jp Morganeliminates cap on bonuses For bankers imposed by Brussels Londonpaving the way for earning up to 10 times their current salary. The news comes just weeks after rival Goldman Sachs also launched the era After Brexit for salaries in the banking sector. AM. limit on bankers’ bonuses It was … Read more

Additional pension. stock ETFs outperformed pension funds

Pensione integrativa: ETF azionari battono fondi pensione

97% of Italians believe that it is necessary to supplement the state pension, and 65% are convinced that only the state pension will not be enough to live with dignity after retirement. In addition, there is also the fear for increasingly youth-based groups, that the expected retirement age continues to increase beyond 70. That’s what … Read more

MPS. Treasury sells another 10%

MPS: Tesoro verso la cessione di un ulteriore 10%

The summer of 2024 promises to be hot for Monte dei Paschi di Siena. The mark-up date is July 2, the three-month mark announced at the last divestment in April, for which the Treasury may start selling additional 10% shares. MPS. the new treasury moves into view This reopens the window to allow the Treasury … Read more

Chief Information Officers Point to Positive Effects of Generative AI Services,

© Reuters.

A recent survey of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) conducted by Mizuho shows a favorable outlook for the IT services industry, especially as it relates to the growing use of generative AI (GenAI) services. “Our survey identifies several areas of growth for IT services,” reports Mizuho, ​​after gathering input from more than 50 midsize business CIOs … Read more

WaveDancer Extends Line of Credit, Pays Fees and Reduces Principal

© Reuters.

WaveDancer, Inc., a Delaware-based software services company, has amended its loan agreement with Summit Community Bank. The announcement, based on a recent SEC filing, reveals that the company, along with its wholly-owned subsidiary Tellenger, Inc., has negotiated an extension to the maturity date of its credit facility to July 16, 2024. The credit agreement, originally … Read more

Warren Buffett is reducing his stake in China’s BYD

Warren Buffett riduce la sua partecipazione nella cinese BYD

It Berkshire Hathaway is reducing its stake in Chinese electric car maker BYD to 6.9%. The conglomerate founded by entrepreneur Warren Buffett sold another 1.3 million BYD shares for $39.8 million, the Hong Kong stock exchange said in a statement. The sale lowered Berkshire’s shares to 6.9% from 7%. Berkshire Hathaway. la scommessa su BYD: … Read more