Residents of Volgograd will pay 1 million rubles for illegal waste

1 млн рублей заплатят волгоградцы за незаконные свалки

This is the amount of punishment for the revealed violations since the beginning of the year. Since the beginning of this year, violators of environmental protection legislation in Volgograd region have been fined 1 million rubles. This was reported by the journalists of “Gorodskie vesti”, referring to the regional committee of natural resources, forestry and … Read more

The former journalist from Volgograd wants to become the queen of the sky

Волгоградская экс-журналистка хочет стать королевой неба

Daria Ilyina is participating in the “Best Stewardess 2024” competition. Daria Ilyina, a native of Kamishin, is participating in the “Top Stewardess 2024” contest. She is fighting for the title of “Queen of Heaven”. In the competition form, Daria wrote about herself, presenting data in the appropriate category. Daria Ilyina was born in 1987. He … Read more

Instead of Chubais. Boris Titov became Putin’s special representative

©: RIA “New Or”. Version 5.0, August 2004-2024. Information: The Russian news agency “New Day” is registered by the Federal Service for Control of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. Mass media registration certificate: EL No. FS 77 – 61044 dated 05.03.2015. Editor-in-Chief: Rumyantseva Polina Sergeevna Founder: “Nor Or” LLC, founder’s … Read more

FT. Russia overtook the US as Europe’s gas supplier in May

In May, gas imports from Russia to Europe exceeded supplies from the United States for the first time in almost two years, despite the region’s efforts to wean itself off Russian fossil fuels following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Financial Times reported. HAS. Details This is said to highlight the difficulty of further reducing … Read more

On June 16, 2024, a 14-year-old teenager hit a girl with a moped without a license near Volgograd.

Под Волгоградом 14-летний подросток без прав сбил на мопеде девочку

The victims were taken to the facility for medical treatment. On Sunday, June 16, a car accident took place in the working village of Rudnya, Volgograd region. As a result, two teenagers were injured. – According to preliminary data, at 8:45 a.m., a 14-year-old teenager drove a Venta moped without a driver’s license on Govorunenko … Read more

Vape smokers are at risk of infection.

Пульмонолог Безлепко: курильщики вейпов рискуют заразиться инфекциями

Smoking vape increases the risk of contracting infectious diseases. Smoking vapes increases the risk of contracting various infectious diseases because the oils contained in the vapor dry out the upper respiratory tract. Pulmonologist Yevgeny Bezlepko told RIA Novosti about this. The expert explained that glycerin, which is in vapors, attracts moisture to itself. Mucous membranes … Read more

The Ministry of Emergency Situations warned the residents of Volgograd about the storm and rain on June 17.

МЧС предупредило волгоградцев об урагане и ливне 17 июня

A terrible wind will blow. Today, a raging disaster is expected in Volgograd region. The regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations warned residents that heavy rains, rains with thunder, hail and wind intensification up to 20-25 m/s are possible in some areas. As the department told Gorodskie Vesti, bad weather can damage power … Read more

Digital TV stopped working in Volgograd

В Волгограде перестало работать цифровое телевидение

The interference originates from an unknown source. Residents of Volgograd and Volgograd region have noticed interruptions in digital broadcasting in recent days. Some attempts of Volgograd residents to tune in to their favorite channels were unsuccessful. According to TASS, the disruptions in digital television broadcasting occurred due to interference created by an unknown source. This … Read more

China has launched an anti-dumping investigation against pork from the EU

The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China has announced an anti-dumping investigation into pork supplies from the European Union. Analysts called this decision the latest step towards a trade war between Europe and China. “A decision was made to start an anti-dumping investigation against pork meat and by-products imported from EU countries. … Read more