Since the beginning of the year, 15 cases of botulism have been registered in Volgograd Region

С начала года в Волгоградской области зафиксировано 15 случаев ботулизма

All patients received the necessary treatment and have already recovered. Since the beginning of the year, 15 cases of botulism have been found in Volgograd region. Healthcare specialists of the region informed Gorodskiye Vesti about this. All patients received the necessary treatment and have already recovered. The department clarified that there were no complaints during … Read more

12,000 tons of grain were sent from Ulyanovsk to Bangladesh, Egypt and Caucasian Ulpressa via the Volga.

PSEZ “Ulyanovsk” is developing a new logistics direction. From the Ulyanovsk region, grain ships traveled along the Volga to Bangladesh, Egypt and the Caucasus. AgroSila73 company has finished loading three dry cargo ships, loading of Volga-Baltic river-sea class ships has started. Each of them has its own path. The total volume of loading will be … Read more

The Cabinet of Ministers instructed the Ministry of Energy to regularly inform the population about the state of the energy system

The Cabinet of Ministers instructed the Ministry of Energy to ensure that the population is regularly informed about the state of the energy system and key issues in the form of briefings. This is done to prevent further manipulation of the information. This was announced by Prime Minister Denis Shmigal during the government session, the … Read more

“Green agenda” as a road to the grave. The State Duma discussed Russia’s environmental prospects

Today, at the plenary session of the State Duma, a discussion was held regarding the “green agenda”, which, according to a number of parliamentarians, is a project imposed by the West to suffocate the domestic economy. As reported by the reporter RIA “New Or”during the discussion, an opinion was also voiced that Russia is moving … Read more

We have to get used to it, because they will be with us throughout the year. The executive director of YASNO about the shutdown schedule.

Power outage schedules will remain unchanged throughout the year as Ukrenergo coordinates them with local grids based on projected shortages. Sergey Kovalenko, General Director of YASNO, spoke about this during the telethon, reported HAS. “Timetables do not change physically, the next day, realizing the deficit, Ukrenergo gives an order to each of the networks, how … Read more

Official artwork. The registry of problematic housing projects does not reflect the true picture of shareholder fraud

The unified register of problematic housing construction projects does not provide a complete picture of defrauded shareholders, explained real estate lawyer Denis Butovichev. commenting Report of the NSN portal by the governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov the head of state about the decision There are problems in the region with deceived participants in … Read more

The management company in Volgograd was deprived of the license to manage the house

В Волгограде УК лишили лицензии на управление домом

The company has proven itself as an unscrupulous manager. In Volgograd, the management company “Paradigma” was forbidden to manage the house. According to the decision of the state housing control body, the information about the management of this organization in the apartment building No. 19A on the street 51 of the Gvardeyskaya department was removed … Read more