Withdrawals, Prontopro. people move more in Milan, Rome

In the first half of 2024, transfer requests increased by 5%, after +25% in 2023. 39% of inquiries refer to moves to stay in the same city, but the majority plan to change locations. And the percentage of those traveling more than 300 kilometers has increased (19% in 2024). This is highlighted by the analysis carried out by ProntoPro:a marketplace for professional services that matches supply and demand based on inquiries received.

The study highlights that the Italian cities where people move the most is Milan (14%).the most expensive for rent in Italy: the average price of 1 square meter is 22.90 euros, which for purchases reaches 5340 euros.“; Rome (9%) and Turin (7%). Followed by Bologna, Naples and Florence.Emilia and Toscana join the capital of Lombardy in the podium of cities with the most expensive rents, at 19.80 euros and 18 euros per square meter respectively.“.

Movements increased by 25% in 2023, with new starts in summer and on Mondays

Annual trend of requests for moving services by analysis ProntoPro.itSince 2022, there has been a constant increase. In 2023, searches for dedicated professionals increased by 25% compared to last year, and in the first six months of 2024, compared to the same period last year, there was a 5% increase compared to April. to be the busiest month yet.

However, peak demand is expected in the third quarter of 2024; in the last two years, in fact, almost 1 in 3 requests have reached the portal in the months of July, August and September, which coincide with the holidays. the university years, when many students are on leases, and the moral new year in September, which for many is the most opportune moment to put into practice the good intentions developed over the summer. Another synonym for a fresh start is Monday, which, according to the report, is the day of the week when the majority of Italians take steps to organize a move (18%).

Almost 6 out of 10 Italians change their place. 19% travel more than 300 kilometers

Since the beginning of 2024, 39% of inquiries have come from those who need to relocate within the same city after finding a better or more suitable housing solution for their needs; an indicator that decreases compared to 2023, when the percentage was reached. 42%. However, those moving elsewhere are increasing (57%, compared to 53% in 2023). Specifically, according to the analysis ProntoPro:this year, of all those who decide to move home, 24% stay within 50 kilometers of the starting point, while 19% make the drastic choice and move more than 300 kilometers away in 2023, when the percentage was 17%.

When it comes to new homes, Italians seem to prefer the first floor (38%), including houses and villas, followed by the first floor (24%) and the second floor (16%) they have in the case of apartments. lower costs compared to tall.

The most requested services – furniture dismantling and refitting – are stable, insurance is on the rise

At the time of moving, the 3rd Italian must move only some objects (33%), for example, individual furniture or furnishings; demand is down from 2023, when 45% of users needed the service. On the other hand, the requests of those who need a transfer equivalent to 2 or 3 rooms are increasing. In both cases, 16% of users requested professional support, compared to 14% last year. The number of people needing to empty 4 or more rooms also increased, to 21% in 2024, compared to 14% in 2023.

Finally, 59% of users of additional services require disassembly and assembly of furniture (steady compared to 2023), while 22% trust professionals to pack and prepare boxes; In this last case, 22% believe that the company should move from 11 to 20, and the same percentage is registered among those who can reach up to 40. The number of those who choose insurance is also reduced (11% increase. Compared to 9% in 2023, final cleaning (5%) and moving the piano (3%).

The cost of transportation to Italy. average prices start at 500 euros

In the case of transfers, the average price of the service varies depending on the number of rooms: 550 euros for a single room, 750 euros for two and 850 euros for three. Average estimates for larger houses and apartments reach four figures: €1,050 for four rooms, €1,100 for five or more. Finally, those who only need to transfer a few items will have to spend an average of 500 euros.

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