The pensioner escapes relegation thanks to a fine gesture from FC Cadiz

The number of tourists in the Spanish city of Cadiz is growing rapidly. It almost cost Maria Muñoz’s apartment. However, the pensioner unexpectedly found help from the local football club.

Maria Muñoz, a pensioner from Cadiz in southern Spain, was about to be evicted from her apartment. The owners wanted to sell the house to developers who wanted to turn it into holiday apartments. But at the last moment, the local football club FC Cádiz was able to help the 88-year-old man, as the British newspaper”, reports the Daily Mail and General Trust branch.

The association bought the apartment where Muñoz lived for 57 years for 147,000 euros. It was agreed with Muñoz that he will continue to pay the monthly rent of 97 euros until his death. Muñoz receives a monthly pension of 1,180 euros. He couldn’t afford to buy an apartment.

Retired. “I am so relieved and grateful.”

Cádiz, and specifically the neighborhood of El Populo, where Muñoz lives, is a popular tourist destination with many holiday homes. Activists supporting Muñoz covered his house with stickers reading “Yes to tourism, no to touristization” and “Stop tourist accommodation”.

“I am so relieved and grateful. I had no idea what to do before it happened. Of course, there are many other people who are in the same situation as me,” he told i. Despite the good news, Muñoz’s daughter announced that there will be a protest on the planned eviction day, June 26, to support other residents facing similar threats.

The pensioner receives 90,000 euros

A pensioner living in England also received unexpected help. A resourceful tax advisor discovered that the responsible office had missed the change. The pensioner was therefore entitled to more than €90,000. This allowed him to have one huge premium Be happy.

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