Residents of Volgograd were told about signs and prohibitions on June 23, Timofeev Day

The Orthodox Church will honor the memory of the holy martyr Timothy of Prussia.

June 23 is the day of commemoration of Bishop Timoteos of Prussia who lived in the 4th century.

For his good heart and sincere faith in religion, God gave him a special gift to perform miracles and heal people. People call June 23 Timothy Day. And there are signs and traditions associated with it that are followed even today.

They made brooms for Timofey for the bathroom. This was done exclusively by women, who had to go into the forest on horseback to collect branches of birch, alder and bird cherry. The day was considered special. every moment could be prophetic, so they controlled all events because prophecies could be both good and bad.

It was forbidden to spend this day alone in order not to anger the evil spirits. You can’t argue or swear. Do not make purchases, they will all be useless. You can’t look in the mirror.

If you hear the humming of the earth on this day, it means that there will be fire. If mice run under your feet, it means a hungry year. If the sun sets in a cloud, it means long bad weather.

Name days on June 23 are celebrated by Alexander, Alexei, Andrey, Anna, Antonina, Vasily, Gerasim, Ivan, Ignatius, Ilya, Innocent, Kuzma, Makar, Nikolai, Pavel, Semyon, Timofey.

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