What not to do on Trinity Saturday, June 22 to avoid trouble

Believers in Volgograd celebrate Trinity Saturday on June 22.

It falls on the 48th day after Easter. According to the church calendar, this is Universal Parenting Week and Memorial Day. Therefore, you should definitely go to church and pray for your dead relatives. On Trinity Saturday, the Lord accepts all prayers for souls, and all who repent of their sins will be forgiven.

Usually, on this day, a general commemoration of the dead takes place in the church. And then the believers go to the cemetery, where they decorate the graves of their relatives and commemorate them with a ritual meal. It is also customary to apologize to each other “for everything”.

Barley and hemp are sown this Saturday. And to avoid misfortunes, they smoke the house and the animals. Starting on Trinity Saturday, you cannot sweep or sweep the floor of the house for three days, only on the fourth day it should be done. The girl was forbidden to swim in swimming pools or go to the fields alone. Otherwise, evil spirits can scare you to death there.

June 22 is marked as the Day of Remembrance and Mourning (beginning of the war), Chocolate Eclair and Loafer Day.

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