It The region of Tuscany has established a tender addressed to individuals For the purchase of real estate for residence and habitual residence in the mountainous municipalities of Tuscany with less than 5,000 inhabitants. This statement, called “Mountain Residency 2024″. Its purpose is resettlement and socio-economic re-equipment of mountain areas, fight against marginalization and abandonment of these areas.
Let’s find out together what it is and what are the requirements.
Contest recipients:
They can apply individuals who meet the following requirements:
- Be an Italian citizen, a citizen of a European Union country or a non-EU citizen with a residence permit of at least 10 years.
- Be of age.
- Residence in an Italian municipality does not correspond to the latest available Istat data.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible and benefit from the contribution, Applicants must purchase a property for residential use that already exists on the date of publication of the notification.
Eligible expenses are expenses related to the purchase of the property, which are documented by a notarial deed of sale or a court deed in the case of an award at auction.
Application deadline and submission
The questions: must be submitted exclusively electronically through a dedicated web application From June 12, 2024 at 1 p.m. to July 27, 2024 at 1 p.m.
AND: you must authenticate using the National Service Card (CNS), System Public Digital Identification (SPID) or Electronic Identification Card (CIE).
Eligible expenses
Eligible expenses these include the purchase of property for residential use only, including appurtenances. They will not be eligible:
- costs of property by cadastral classification A/1:, A/8: e A/9:;
- property not registered in the land register.
- properties in their raw state, or purchases between first and second degree relatives.
Type of concession
L’The minimum amount that can be claimed will be €10,000or, while the maximum will be equal to 30,000 euros. The investment will cover up to 50% of the costs incurred for the purchase of the property.
Financial allocation
The call has a total financial allocation of 2,800,000 euros, allocated by the financial budget for 2024-2026.
The “Living in the Mountains 2024” call is an excellent opportunity for those who want to move to the mountain communities of Tuscany, contributing to the resettlement and economic growth of these areas. It applications must be submitted no later than July 27, 2024.