Issues of inter-ethnic relations were discussed in Volgograd

A meeting of the Advisory Council on Ethnic and Interreligious Relations was held at the regional headquarters of public assistance, which was chaired by the deputy head of Volgograd, Anna Kuvychko.

Without interrupting the dialogue

Migration situation and its stabilization measures, support for socio-cultural adaptation of foreigners, peculiarities of teaching migrant children in urban schools, organization and holding of #ThreeFour youth festival, strengthening of inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony, prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts. other issues were discussed by representatives of Volgograd national public associations, authorities and law enforcement agencies. An open dialogue was held at the public support headquarters in the amphitheater of the central embankment.In Volgograd, good relations have been formed between the representatives of different nationalities and religions living in our land. This provides opportunities for the development of society, the city and the region as a whole. We are together, we are united, we have common problems to preserve our Motherland, our achievements and victories. What our ancestors have laid down for centuries, we must carefully preserve today,” he said Chairman of the Volgograd City Duma Vladlen Kolesnikov. – It is important that the discussion takes place in this place, in an area where very interesting meetings are always organized in the “no tie” format.

The participants of the meeting first heard reports about the migration situation and the measures aimed at its stabilization in the territory of the hero city. Law enforcement agencies are actively fighting against illegal migration, illegal labor and crime. A clearly structured dialogue by all involved structures will allow to maintain stability in this area.Constant discussion helps to avoid problems. “At the end of this year, there were no crimes committed by migrants in the field of extremism,” he said. Andrei Solokhin, deputy prosecutor of Volgograd. “This is the result of the great work of various public and religious organizations and the great merit of the municipality, which is also very active in this field.

Thus, the city has a sub-program that supports the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad as part of the state program for employment and labor market development. During his work, more than 1200 applications of citizens were considered. As a rule, citizens from near and far foreign countries – Armenia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, as well as Germany, Latvia, Moldova, Kazakhstan – move to Volgograd. Basically, they are qualified specialists with higher or secondary professional education in socially significant and blue-collar professions.

Overcoming barriers

A lot of attention is paid to the children of migrant families. In the current academic year, 772 foreign children study in 129 schools in Volgograd, which is less than 1% of the total number of students. Migrant children often face problems such as underdeveloped communication skills, and they often struggle with the school curriculum. The most common reason for this is not knowing the Russian language and not being prepared for school. Many visitors, especially if they have large families, do not send their children to kindergarten, as a result, the child comes to school with zero communication skills in a Russian-speaking environment.When children enter the first grade in city schools, students are diagnosed, based on the results of which recommendations are made regarding the future trajectory of education,” he says. Svetlana Pyatayeva, Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Volgograd Administration. – If necessary, parents are offered various courses, the purpose of which is to adapt the child to the team of Russian-speaking children, as well as to use the resources of Internet platforms for independent learning of the Russian language in a playful way. For the purpose of psychological well-being, children of foreign citizens are involved in socially beneficial events: festivals of national dishes, joint holidays.

Representatives of the administration of Dzerzhinsk region spoke about successful attempts to strengthen inter-religious and inter-ethnic ties, where mass ethno-cultural events and inter-ethnic creative festivals, including the “Festival of the Peoples of the World”, are continuously organized. Migrant families are assisted with documentation, identification and response to child rights violations. Representatives of national non-governmental organizations and diaspora actively participate in this work, who not only help in the organization of events, but also provide targeted assistance to the needy and engage in charity. Non-governmental organizations express their proposals regarding the adaptation of migrant families.

Thus, the president of the regional non-governmental organization “House of Friendship” Kazbek Farniev drew attention to the language barrier, lack of complete information about the rights and responsibilities of migrants, available social programs, cultural features of the cities and the proposed organization. free language courses, creation of information centers, a chat bot where migrants can report their problems and get advice, help them find a job, as well as organize intercultural dialogues with round tables, meetings and discussions with the participation of different representatives. cultures.Only with joint efforts will we be able to preserve the status of Volgograd as a city of friendship, where it will be comfortable for residents of different nations to live and present their culture,” he said. Kazbek Farniev.

The representatives of the Armenian community also drew attention to the problem of the language barrier and asked for support in the creation of courses, language training courses, and social schools for migrants.

Continuing traditions

Anna Kuvichko asked the communities to present their proposals in writing, and also noted that the dialogue with the associations is carried out on a continuous basis.We always communicate in working mode, constantly in touch. It is important for us to hear your opinion, to receive feedback, it is obvious that in the near future we will pay attention to some points,” he addressed the participants of the meeting. Anna Kuvichko. – In order to create an intercultural dialogue, we are ready to involve all those involved: students, young families, representatives of various professions, to organize various platforms. Other topics are also important. Plav festival has become the symbol of #ThreeFour youth festival. This is already a tradition that is remembered not only by the residents of the region, but also by our guests.

Activists of the House of Friendship organize the pilaf festival together with the cultural autonomies of the region and the administration of the Volgograd region. Every year, at the youth festival, representatives of different nations prepare 5 to 12 types of this dish together.

Another topic of conversation was the hosting and preparation of this year’s youth event. #ThreeFour festival will take place very soon, from June 27 to 29. The main idea of ​​the 2024 festival is the preservation of traditional family values ​​among young people for the sake of the stability and well-being of the family, city, region and state. 120 teams and 350 volunteers will take part in the luxurious event. This year, the festival will be organized in six locations: the Central Embankment, the Volgograd Arena, the Central Park of Culture and Culture, the Young Hawk Flying Club, the Panoramic Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad, and the Russia Interactive Park. My story”. Many venues are organized in conjunction with national associations. Thus, festival guests will find the Alley of National Cultures, where there will be a Kazakh yurt, performances by creative groups of different nations, a Kazakh village site, a traditional Plav festival, etc.

During the meeting, its participants also voted in favor of changes to the action plan for strengthening interethnic and interreligious relations and decided to strengthen control over the migration situation, improve the quality of information support for foreign citizens, and continue working with migrants on their adaptation and integration. in society and prevent illegal behavior and violations of Russian law.

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